

Man can unite and become one flesh.

Two can sit and build tower in the air.

Snakes twine round each other and roll about and hiss,

to win the mate.

She can imagine it,

I am a sparrow in the hand of prowler, rat under lion’s jaws.

I travelled on sand beach,

where it glitter and shine like diamond in still water,

a twinkle of fireflies at night.

Every day I wait, I wait in the shade,

I wait in the light of ice moon,

in yellow echoes with a throbbing chest.

She smiled, revealing a row of shining white teeth.

Her silent and split lips is teasing me.

Can you imagine a bird in little black feathers?

She is a spring flower in the heart of someone like me.

I love the flapping wings and moving water,

but the important thing is being loved by someone.

If ever man can fall in love.

if a woman can text her beauty,

her desire leaving parents behind,

Sea will breathe,

it surely could bring both lovers to the sea shore.